St Matthew's C of E Primary School

The Trail Blazers ( Class 2)

Welcome to the immersive world of the Trailblazers! Step into our dynamic classroom where curiosity knows no bounds, and creativity dances in every corner. Here, we embark on thrilling learning adventures, where stories come alive and imagination takes flight. Join us on a journey of discovery, where each day is a new chapter waiting to be explored. Let the Trailblazers guide you through the wonders of knowledge and the excitement of learning like never before!


Daily Routines

Our daily routine starts at 8.45am and consists of a morning task whilst the register is done, usually spelling practice or reading, then either straight into English or a Collective Worship/assembly if it is Monday, Thursday and Friday. After that, the children have a breaktime at 10:15, and then on most days the children will do a Reading lesson after (apart from on Wednesday to do music and a spelling test on Friday). Before lunchtime which is at 12 o’clock, the children have their Maths lesson.

In the afternoon, our sessions are always different depending on the day of the week: Mondays are for either Geography or History; Tuesday is PE and either Computing or Music; Wednesday is PSHE, RE or French; Thursday is Art or Design & Technology; and finally we have Science on Friday. Then we always try to make sure there is time at the end of the day for a story, before hometime at 15:15.


Federation Planners

Every child is given a School Organiser, full of useful information like the expected spellings of their year group or a multiplication table. The children are expected to bring them in every day as the resources in them could help them with their learning. As well as this, as part of their homework, they are given the challenge of reading at least three times in a week which they should record and get signed by their parent/carer.

All of the children’s log in details for the online services we use as a school, such as Times Tables Rockstars, should be written in their Organiser so that they can access them at home.



We try to read as much as possible, and at every opportunity so that we are always practicing and enjoying reading. Not only do we do regular reading sessions before Maths, the children are encouraged to have a reading book on their tables so that if they finish any work they can read independently.

Whenever we get the chance, even if it is for just a few minutes, we will read our class story which currently is The Last Bear by Hannah Gold as the children enjoyed it and wanted to carry on with it after having it for our English lessons.

Children who have read at least 3 times in a week are entered into a Reading Raffle, where they have the chance to win a prize!


Homework Expectations

Every week, on a Friday, the children will find copies of their homework for them to take home and bring back the following Friday. Usually, it links to their learning that week and then their spellings for them to learn for their test the week after. When the children bring back their homework, and on time, they get bonus Class Dojo points!



In Trailblazers, we always have PE on a Tuesday, so children need to make sure to bring their kits in ready for that day. We also alternate with The Satellites class each half term to have an extra PE session on Friday.

Useful links to websites- add websites to support the children in your class -  our class code should be available in the password section in your child's planner