St Matthew's C of E Primary School

Vision and Values

Our Federation Vision
Our strong Christian distinctiveness is recognised as providing a unique commitment to nurturing and valuing all God’s children in our community. We encourage all to learn about the Christian faith but recognise that becoming a Christian is a personal choice of faith and we are respectful of each other’s beliefs.

Our Federation Christian Values
All of our values are underpinned by love. They ensure that we create a Christian and caring environment and have ‘life in all its fullness’.


As a federation we have one distinctively Christian vision.

Together we will flourish and thrive

Building on our Christian and local community

For the good of all.


Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. Isaiah 40v.31


Our Federation Christian Values
All of our values are underpinned by love. They ensure that we create a Christian and caring environment and have ‘life in all its fullness’.